In this modern era we are dealing with many stressful situations and some people might be involved into serious brain disease such as Schizophrenia. Yes, stressful situations if not handled properly can trigger depression for certain people. Basically, human brain is the most sensitive organ and it will react to any situations every day and people with Schizophrenia will have difficulties to have clear line between reality and imagination. Schizophrenia commonly occurs between the ages of 15 years old to 35 years old and even for specific cases, it is occurs at early ages such as 5 to 6 years old. There are many Schizophrenia symptoms which can be detected and there are many factors which can cause this brain disease. Here is the brief review for you, hope the information useful.
Until today there are no specific causes of Schizophrenia explained in many literatures but we can detect the Schizophrenia symptoms at early stage and prevent further damage of the brain. The factors which believed can increase the risks of Schizophrenia are Genetic links. Based on a study and brain research, people who have genetic links are likely to suffer Schizophrenia. One of ten people who have parents with this disease has higher risk and each person carries different characteristic of Schizophrenia. Next factor is Brain injury which caused by environmental stresses. Many people involved in high pressure activities every day and they tend to have high stress level. People with excessive stress have higher risk to suffer Schizophrenia thus it is very wise to reduce the stress level wherever we are with certain fun activities and doing hobbies while we have spare times. Factor number three is drug abuse. Since there are many drugs sold without prescription either in the internet or local pharmacies, people have higher possibilities involved into drug abuse and this will increase the risk of Schizophrenia.
Children and teens are more vulnerable to stress and drug abuse. If they can’t solve the problems which happened they are likely to run away from the reality. One of the most popular Schizophrenia symptoms which often occur at early stage is hallucinations. There are many children and teenagers who often have hallucinations because they are involved in high pressure situation and if the symptoms occur it is recommended to see local physician to detect the psychological condition of the patient. Schizophrenia could be a chronic disease that last for lifetime so act fast to help people who have risks of Schizophrenia.